GDPR Relevancy

In the past a few persons whom where unhappy with the consequences of their actions decided to try and force the purging of their entry in the Prison Eye database by threatening use of the GDPR.

Well sorry to disappoint but the GDPR has no bearing on the information stored in the database. I won’t go into lengthy detail about that, simply put the GDPR only covers personal information that will lead to ones real identity in RL. non of which is stored by Prison Eye.

The information stored by Prison Eye is;
1. Your Avatar UUID
2. Your Avatar Legacy Name
3. Date of the entry
4. which place the entry came from
5. the summery of the offence which lead to you being in the database
6. details surrounding the offence, if any.

Again, none of this information is personal nor can it lead to your RL identity. so the GDPR doesn’t apply and has no bearing on Prison Eye.